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My Life in China | Shared by our loyal foreign teacher Jorn

2023-05-06 10:48

Hangzhou as everybody knows is very beautiful. In my opinion the most beautiful city in China. I have seen some cities and Hangzhou is my favorite by far. But if I take worldwide cities, like Germany and America in Europe, I think Hangzhou is at least the top 10 maybe in top 5. So I really like the city. 




a language teacher from Germany, joined Haida in 2018. 

Teaching Job 

1.About being a teacher in China

I have been working for Haida now for more than 4 years and they have been a great support for me all these years. I still remember the first time I came here. I didn’t know anything and didn’t know where to go, and they helped me. They showed me to school. They showed me what to do. And of course the most important thing, they helped me with the visa and now still help me with my work permit every year. Without them probably I still wouldn’t be here anymore. They take a lot of my work and just help me to focus on my job, for which I am very thankful.

2.About life in Hangzhou of China

As I said I have been living here now for more than 4 years, and of course there must be something I like here, otherwise I would not still be here. First of all, Hangzhou as everybody knows is very beautiful. In my opinion the most beautiful city in China. I have seen some cities and Hangzhou is my favorite by far. But if I take worldwide cities, like Germany and America in Europe, I think Hangzhou is at least the top 10 maybe in top 5. So I really like the city. 

And yes as some people already know I also found my personal happiness here. So this year, 2022, I asked my girlfriend if she wants to marry me and she said “yes”, and hopefully we will have a great life in China in Hangzhou. Maybe sometimes also in Germany who knows, but so far China has brought me some happiness and a lot of love.