Teaching in China | Shared by PE teacher Uros
2023-05-06 10:07
I am generally proud to be a teacher, because I am helping youngsters to gain ability, to cooperate with each other also to be respectful to their friends, family and to love sports .
a P.E. teacher from Serbia, joined Haida in 2021.
Teaching Job
1.When you first started to teach in China, what difficulties or challenges did you meet?
When I started to teach in China for the first time, the difficulty was language, also for me that was a challenge. Even if my students and I don't speak a common language, I managed to explain to my students, after that everything was easier for me in my further career.
Since I came to China I wasn't able to travel because of the pandemic, so I traveled around Hangzhou, visiting mountains, rivers, ponds etc. Hangzhou is a big and beautiful city, for now those are my unforgettable experience, and also wherever I go, people are kind and willing to spend time with each other.
3.What do you think of schools, teachers and students in China?
I worked in two schools so far, and both of schools are good, teachers are respectful, willing to help and cooperate. Students are good. They behave well and want to learn through fun. Most of them like to speak English and have communication with me.
The biggest impression for me in my current school is that more than 70 percent kids can speak English very well, that is the biggest surprise for me. Also the working system is amazing here, and the teachers are helping each other.
Big city, a lot of natural landscapes, good people and delicious food.
For now I will stay in Hangzhou, I like this city, but who knows what will happen for couple of years, or even next year… I just wish that I can see and travel more around China.