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Teaching in China | Excellent foreign teacher Sergii's sharing

2023-05-29 11:18

In my lessons I try to teach students not only to understand musical genres and styles, as well as the ability to understand music literacy, read music notes and perform music emotionally and expressively.




a music teacher from Ukraine, joined Haida in 2022. He has been living in China for many years.

Teaching Job 

How long have you been in China? What’s your impression about China and your living city?

I arrived in China in December 2007 and was surprised and amazed at the scale of construction, the convenience of infrastructure and economic development. I was going to Hangzhou at the invitation of the philharmonic orchestra, position of principal trombone. I immediately fell in love with this beautiful and developing city. 

The city with ancient history, which perfectly combines both ancient cultural monuments and modern buildings, which do not cease to amaze with their construction and wonders of engineering. This city deserves to be an example to be followed in terms of greenery, beautiful parks, river canals and of course lakes! As well as the development of transport infrastructure and security. 

Touring with the orchestra and traveling with friends I visited many cities in China. I liked many cities and felt comfortable, but every time I returned to Hangzhou, I felt at home.

When you first started your teaching in China, did you find it difficult to adapt to the life and working environment here? 

I began my teaching practice in China at the training center in 2019. Thanks to the knowledge of Chinese (spoken) language and easy communication with children, I was able to easily teach children and inculcate in them an interest in occupations and love of music. After two years of work I had a good experience in understanding the mentality and desires of parents who transferred their children to classes and excellent relations with pupils.

How do you think of Chinese students and colleagues?

All students are different in nature and in the perception of information and dedication in the lesson and with each individual approach is necessary, but when you work with the big class it is necessary to be an example for all and to show (sing, dance, play music) with students together, to give them the opportunity to show their best skills and abilities. I'm lucky to be in such a great group where all the teachers are sympathetic and friendly. I try to learn from them in many aspects of teaching, discipline in classes and awakening interest in music.

What's your feeling about teaching in China?

Every new lesson I see progress in students in intonation of melody, understanding of peculiarities of different rhythmic pulsations. Reading music notes and memorizing song lyrics. We also learn percussion and it pleases children when together they can create rhythmic accompaniment for the song they sing. This is of great interest and dedication in the classroom.

How do you like Chinese food? Have you got used to Chinese food yet?

I liked Chinese food as soon as I came to China. It's a very varied kitchen that never ceases to amaze me after many years. In China, I loved seafood, vegetables, and if I ever wanted my own cuisine, I could easily cook it all from products available on the local market. And if you want to enjoy it, you can always order the product online. 

What’s your plan for the future?

In China I met my love! This beautiful girl has become not only an object of passion and affection for me, but also a support and assistant in many matters of life. We have a son who brings together the best of mom and dad. We try to bring up in him a good, sympathetic and kind person, with wide horizons and creative skills.

How do you think of Haida?

I'm glad I got the chance to work with you. Haida's office is helping and supporting our employees. I was given a great job to dream of, with good conditions and professional care. I hope our cooperation will be long and fruitful.